I can't believe how quickly time goes! Today is indeed the very last day of the month and then we're mere weeks from the Christmas festivities! And then we're only a few months from Kelly's birthday and, then after that, just a little while until summer, which means, after that, Stick should make his/her appearance into the world! Maybe 40 weeks isn't going to go quite as slowly as I thought it would, heck, we're already a little over 1/8 finished with this pregnancy thing!
There really isn't much to update today. The 'girls' are still ridiculously painful. Bras hurt. Laying on my stomach hurts. Heck, even the fact that I'm wearing a shirt right now isn't sitting very well with them! But I'm definitely not complaining. =] I could be flat on my back, sick for nine months, and I wouldn't be complaining because I'm PREGNANT! Every sign and symptom just remind me of that and there is nothing in the world that could make me happier. Well, winning the lottery would be a close second though.
Why am I home at 8:46 a.m. on a school day, updating my blog, you ask? The answer, my dear Watson, is simple. Sometimes, when you live in Minnesota (at least between the months of November and April . . . or maybe October and May), it blizzards ferociously outside and everything shuts down. Which means, I'm home on a Snow Day today! There are a lot of things to do on the agenda today. The house is going to get cleaned. Well actually, that's about it, but that one thing on the agenda really translates to about fifty because house-cleaning is a tedious process.
Kelly was planning on going muzzle loading today and tomorrow, but since we're blizzarding here, I would be surprised if he actually went. We shall see. Perhaps I'll end up being a hunting widow for a few more days or perhaps not. Oh! And another thing on the agenda for this week, Kelly has an appointment with a podiatrist for his foot on Thursday morning. The side of his foot has been causing him significant amounts of pain for the past couple of months (it comes and goes though). Keep your fingers crossed that the solution is going to be something simple . . . like shoe supports! If it ends up requiring surgery, I'm not sure quite how we're going to swing that. Of course we will, but I'm not sure how!
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